Now baking

Keeping you posted on the progress of little Kyan, Tam and Tim's first child, who was born on October 28 2005.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

And there's that smile!

Although we caught Kyan's first smile at two days old - at Dad for the record, we have been seeing a lot more of them lately now that he's 6 weeks old.

That doesnt mean they are easy to catch on film, mind you.

Often a half smile quickly changes to a 'just what the hell do you think you're doing?' glare once the first focal flash hits him.

Nevertheless Tam caught this one - the only smile out of about 25 similar shots taken - and we think it's a bit of a pearler! Posted by Picasa

What chu talking about?

Are you looking at me?? Posted by Picasa

Santa's little helper

What's all the fuss about? Posted by Picasa

The many faces of Kyan Rowley Davis

We have a really expressive little boy. Tam had an idea to dress him up in a santa hat with a little reindeer outfit she got back in Oz.
All these shots were taken over a space of about five minutes and as you can see his emotions ran the gauntlet from happy to sad, from smily to tearful, from moody to cheery, and from frumpy to just plain pissed off!

We love him whatever shade he is wearing! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

KIss Kiss!

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Hang on Dad! Don't let me go!

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Beret Boy

Tam read that a good way to calm a baby when they are crying is to flip them over and cradle them face down, their head resting in the crook of your arm. Kyan wasn't initially keen on the idea but after a while he started to come round.

Here he is in Dad's arms hanging on for dear life! Posted by Picasa